The Southpaw Story


Alex Moore, Southpaw President

About Southpaw

We’re not all left-handed, but we do take a different approach to business. We’re all about creative solutions, information and advice – not mass distribution of the latest gadget. Since our founding in 1978, Southpaw has been dedicated to developing and manufacturing sensory integration dysfunction and neurodevelopmental products to help therapeutic professionals, people with special needs, their families and other professionals solve problems and overcome challenges. We are committed to offer education, insight and resources for learning about neurodevelopmental disorders and will continue to partner with therapists to provide the absolute best products based on clinical need.

Although we focus on clinic-based therapy, we continue to develop products for teachers in the classroom and for parents for use at home under the guidance of a therapist. We also offer the entire community education, insight and resources for learning more about Dysfunction in Sensory Integration (DSI) and related neurodevelopmental disorders. We believe wholeheartedly that it is information that will lead to greater strides and progress in understanding and treating these disorders.


Southpaw provides a number of charities with generous and continued support — not only financial, but through education, product donations and other ways in which we simply help. Whether it’s providing aid to the organizations in the community we live, or those with national reach, Southpaw is committed to helping those that align with our mission, including:

  • – The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
  • – Miami Valley Council Boy Scouts of America
  • – United Rehabilitation Services
  • – University of Dayton
  • – Leesman Memorial Foundation
  • – The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
  • – Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center
  • – Mario Lemieux Foundation


Manufactured by hand in Dayton, Ohio, Southpaw products provide superior quality and durability, and are guaranteed to last — “whatever, forever.”



  • We promise superior quality and craftsmanship.
  • We promise to build products that are uniquely guaranteed to last.
  • We promise to focus solely in the area of sensory therapy.
  • We promise unparalleled customer service.
  • We promise to offer creative solutions based on clinical need.